Saturday, February 26, 2011


I think this time is the lowest curve of being here, studying here. Well, there are literally hundreds or even thousands reasons to come up justifying that. But as usual, I hesitate to explore all those reasons. It's been my belief that 'pointing that, pointing this', in many ways, is not helpful. Pointing those all reasons, unfortunately, I regard as complaints. Perhaps, some psychological studies refer that complaining, or whatever you might call it, is good. It gives you a relief perhaps. Unfortunately, again, it's been planted on my nerve system that complaining is just not helping. Or, perhaps, because I'm quite good in finding reasons for almost everything, i think i'had been trained for that, avoiding complaints then might be helpful.  That's why as conscious as possible, I avoid it.

Anyways, I really miss home. Despite that I feel time is just so running fast, I do miss home. Under the sun, and all... 

I'm making a program for this March for myself; no caffeine, no nicotine, no alcohol and sort of addictive things. In 3 days more...I should give myself a break for all those. I need that..

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