Thursday, July 28, 2011

couple days ago on my way home from uni, i was thinking a lot why people live. i'm not saying that i'm sort of disoriented or kind of. but sometimes, thinking about life is something that could make confused. what in life what are we really looking for? wealthy? fame? or what? what's the purpose of life? what sort of life we actually want to live on? or aren't we just people drifting in the current of life in which we never really want it to be? lost in the middle of somewhere we never truly know about it but we are just following the crowds. does a farmer become farmer because he wants to be a farmer or because he doesn't have any option? does a man wants to be rich just because he doesn't see any other options in life? does a man become a politician just because he's just following another people? ah, stupid thinking i guess. but indeed, never that sort of thinking come accross on my mind until recently. what's the purpose of life?

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