Saturday, December 13, 2008

last party in this year

another party last night at sonya's house. i enjoyed it. it could be like the last party. i dont know. at least for this year though. sonya's heading to myanmar this coming january. still crowd were there. but just not sure if there would be more like that after this year. i mean people are leaving. some offices were closed and some will be. so, it gonna be like i dont' know. next year could be like quiet or some still guys around and make noise, i mean party. we need that. for a break and most for socialization. not often we meet each other very much because everybody has his/her own business.

n seemed like mia enjoyed what she found about her interview as well. hard days for her but worthy for digging out information and to get know better what's goin on in this island especially the issue around the humanitarian actions or things. and the other my locale buddies; ya'a 'n henry are still as insane as they are, i mean as cool as they are.

times for me to do reflection as well.

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