Sunday, May 27, 2007

Arrived in NIas Today

I arrived in Nias this morning. I straightly joined the weekly meeting that was already started by Livelihood Coordinator, Aris. I was glad to find that all the weekly reports of every division were on paper. We agreed to have monthly based report. I think there are better development of the staff capacity now. But at the same time I think they still need to be adviced for couple things especially on defining the principles and administrative things. I mean there should be different on approaching those things. We agreed that we couldn't negociate on the principle but it's okay for the technical things.

At 3 then I and Jaya attended the FORNIHA meeting. It was a meeting to build the local NGO forum. I was also glad that we moved forward to the establishing a small committee to handle the first Assembly Meeting on 30 and 31. Things are just cool.

Oh ya, btw Annant and Ray are coming tomorrow. It's beautiful that they could come here to visit us and to talk to the organizations of FORNIHA members. I talked abt this in my presentation on the training and they were eager to know more. I think I was successful in convincing them that DRR issue could be talked to the forum. I'm very happy on that.

Next week it's going to be another busy days though. I have to attend the meetings and doing the reports to TdH and to CA as well . Then, I'll go to Yogya for fund raising training. Before that I have to stop to Medan for bringing the car to the workshop for the total fixing and modification when possible. Then before arriving to Jogyakarta, I have to stop again to Jakarta for purchasing my mac. My current notebook will be used by Jaya. Besides, it's time to have mac. I'm pissed off by all the troubles of the windows. I hate it. It's time for changing.

Hey, still no news? Or busy days? Or is there anything I talked wrong? Sorry if there is something I did wrong in which it's not my intention to do so.

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