Friday, October 06, 2006

The Joke Which Is not Joke At All

I remember when couple of days ago I and others had discussion in office until morning for the 2007 plan. We explored much on the plan and things like that. I think everybody was just exhausted and about to go for sleep.

Then, I came to the question. It just came out of my mind.
I told them "You know What"
They responded "What".
I "I think we are little bit crazy"
They stared at me with anxiety. Then I said "This is the rude thing of being activist. We think and work so that people have their houses re-built. But by the way, do we ever think how to have our own house and for how long more we will keep renting our small tiny room?"
They laughed. I didn't know what it meant until someone said "Yeah, but we love to do so and that's why we are here because we are little bit insane and we have 'hearts".

It took me few seconds before we tried to find another jokes to end our day. Thank you for the energy they spread surround.

Yup, we have just completed the 16 houses for the affected people. It's very well appreciated down there. I didn't realize it at all until my dad coming visited me in office yesterday and he told me what people thought about the project when he once or twice visited the site projects. He was proud of the work too. And everybody tried to speak with him and respected on him. He laughed and said "I didn't know why. I actually just wanted to see the works"

Perhaps that's it. Just to fulfill what the 'heart's calling' for doing something good to the needed.


one of 125 families that we are reconstructing their houses after the disaster. it’s released to find them happy with their new houses after living in tents for almost two years since the quake hit the island.

some still live in IDPs camp

for the future of these children


1 comment:

Asian Views said...

Man, you are doing great for the people of your community: in your country, the aplp, and the world!

You definitely have a 'heart'.

I read it in your post, and I see it the pictures too.

We are proud of you.

