Well… finally…. Yeah, after all, I’ve completed my study here in APLP. Well, still have few left such as Asia Field Trip but you can say that’s more less as an additional but still important though. At least, class matters ended yesterday after the Crow’s Nest and intorduction of Thailand and Cambodia today. I’ve done my portofolio too. What a relief after all..
Tonight was farewell party at Elks. Talent showed as usual was always fun. A lot fun tonight but we missed some. Sou Yan was little bit sad due to Adriana was leaving and actually tomorrow she’s leaving to Soul too. Catherine is leaving too. Many people are leaving. Yeah, it will be quiet for a while at least until 30th of this month.
I checkd the Niasisland.com tonight after the arriving at dorms and found that we lost for the local election. Yeah, well.. it’s little bit sad. But I can’t blame anybody so far. We’ve done my best. At least on my part, I’ve done what I should have. It’s not easy though.
Well, at least I can now arrange things in head clearly at the moment. Shahin called me tonight. Taking a while not hanging around with this buddy. Actually, I’m little bit afraid of giving him a call not want to disturb his final exams. But I think tomorrow we’ll go hanging again. We might go to gym.
Tonight was farewell party at Elks. Talent showed as usual was always fun. A lot fun tonight but we missed some. Sou Yan was little bit sad due to Adriana was leaving and actually tomorrow she’s leaving to Soul too. Catherine is leaving too. Many people are leaving. Yeah, it will be quiet for a while at least until 30th of this month.
I checkd the Niasisland.com tonight after the arriving at dorms and found that we lost for the local election. Yeah, well.. it’s little bit sad. But I can’t blame anybody so far. We’ve done my best. At least on my part, I’ve done what I should have. It’s not easy though.
Well, at least I can now arrange things in head clearly at the moment. Shahin called me tonight. Taking a while not hanging around with this buddy. Actually, I’m little bit afraid of giving him a call not want to disturb his final exams. But I think tomorrow we’ll go hanging again. We might go to gym.
Time for myself....; for exercise, for tatooing, for exploring o'ahu, for NOHA application, for learning the new software about accounting, for beer too.
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