He's presentation was cool

They both, Michael and Keith, were handy for Power Point things
Generation Theory and Communication Gap
This morning’s session is interesting. I used to try understanding people based on personality, culture and value. “Personality Plus” is my favorite book written by Florence Littauer. Coming here in Hawai’i deepens my understanding about cross-cultural experiences. What I found in this morning’s session is expanding more my knowledge about the generation gap. For me, it might be not new about the generation gap. I read before couple articles about Baby Boomer Generation and X Generation in which they are most American context. But it’s different when you try to theorize it and try to see it in a wide context. The perspective is called Generation Theory how to understand people and how to deal with people using this base.
I agree to Michael pointing out that his presentation is a frame. A frame that can be applied in various different context and countries. The case of the generation theory he presented this morning is basely on American context but again the frame can be applied in whatever countries. As my friends explored the frame using their own countries’ cases and context, it makes sense. Even within countries, the frame can be explored more. There’s a skeptics anyway that this Generation Theory because of the possibility to be used as ‘boxing’ or ‘labeling’ people instead of seeing people individually. I agree on that. If it’s used as a main base for seeing people and then it will go wrong.
The conclusion is simple, I think. Generation theory can be one of the tools how to understand people and how to communicate with them so that communication gap can be reduced
Michael had a good presentation. He didn’t speak aloud, anyway. In comparison with Keith’s presentation, Michael’s presentation was little bit calm. The part I like is when he gave the class much time to comment and to express class’ experiences about the generation theory. Keith’s presentation’s was better though he didn’t give enough time for class to comment. But both were great.
Keith's Presentation

Keith's giving presentation with his interactive power point

He spoke clearly and aloud so that the class keep awake

He used juggling to show how to be flexible of new things in this emerging world
Savvy Leadership
He had presentation about Future Leadership on Emerging Economy. The change of world needs new strategy and approach to deal with. The new economy needs what he called savvy leadership. It’s kind of leadership that requires leader to serve more (?). I’m not pretty sure, but I think that’s a new term for me. The point I got is we need a new approach and new strategy to face the future world and yet a future leader should develop new way of learning how to lead.
He had presentation about Future Leadership on Emerging Economy. The change of world needs new strategy and approach to deal with. The new economy needs what he called savvy leadership. It’s kind of leadership that requires leader to serve more (?). I’m not pretty sure, but I think that’s a new term for me. The point I got is we need a new approach and new strategy to face the future world and yet a future leader should develop new way of learning how to lead.
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Sprint employees blog on hurricane relief efforts
Telecom firms scramble to give storm aid BY Michael Hardy Published on Sep. 14, 2005 More Related Links Sprint Nextel employees have established Sprint City, a six-acre home for hurricane relief workers at the ...
I recycle my old stuff here turcks maybe you should too
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