Here's something left in Moloka'i. Finished after getting back but I just have the time to post it now. Still some pics not post yet..
Moloka'i is always blue
The place that's available for a visit
White Sandy Beach., Su Youn
MeMoloka’i September 5, 2005
Waiting for the bus to go to Moloka’i airport to Honolulu. Here’s in middle of the pacific ocean, Moloka’i. Moloka’i Ranch. The weather is extremely fine, windy and bright. I’m accompanied by Kitaro’s music. Moloka’i, a wonderful island.
It’s always beautiful here and for me everyday is just brand new days and exciting all the time. Today we had Hawaiian games. Again what I see here was not only the beauty of this island but also the spirit of these Hawaiian people preserve their own cultural heritage forms. One of them is Hawaiian Games. This reminded me my childhood memories which full of playing games. I enjoyed my childhood. It’s more like as enjoying as staying here these days. What inspiring me here is that the folk games still alive here in Moloka’i. They have huge efforts to make it exist. In my childhood, I and friends played some of the games.
Here, we played 5 games today, I played 4 games only because the last game missed. I went to lodge for packing my bag. The games we played were Ulu Maika (Lawn Bowling), O’o Ihe (Hurling Spears), Pohaku Ho’oikaika (Stone Lifting) and Haka moa (Chicken fighting). The last of Huki huki game I did not join it.
It’s clear in mind how we used to play folk games when I was kid. A lot games. When I grow now, in my reflection all the games we used to play were educative. We enjoyed them until the coming of the new technology; TV and all the electronic toys. Couple months ago I went to visit my village and all the games we used to play seems gone. The kids there were not familiar with all those past games except for one game; “jumping over the fence”. (It’s hard for me to explain this in English). Almost all disappereared by the coming the “stupid box” (TV) and all the electronic game things.
Moloka’i inspired me to formulate the new ways to enliven the games we used to play and encouraged me to find ways to make it true. Thanks Moloka’i and East West Center for this valuable opportunity.
September 4, 2005
After lunch we had a discussion about visioning APLP community. Our group members were me, Sheena, Jaylon, Chamroen, Lhobsang, Hanh and Miwa. We thought about the possibility to form APLP community. Well, we discussed about the catalyst and the possible barriers of the network.
But here’s the great moment after buffet dinner at the Moloka’i Lodge. Talent Show... Prior to Talent Show we had Story Telling session to continue our previous night story telling. Again, story telling always gave me new things about the friends here. It always gives me new sight, new input about who they are. Take an example of Su Youn in which I think I am closed to her. Last night’s story telling made me see her again in different way. The way she dedicated herself for elders every Sunday in church and the children is fabulous. Yes, she’s a sincere heart to serve. Catherine for her family values and her experiences with the elders in Japan when she worked there, Basundrha for her PhD in biochemical engineering, Scott for the confession of his father’s “effort” to make the story of him as he was from Scotland and everybody just believed it until Scot proved it wrong. How Scott felt the comfort zone due to the wealthy of his father but found that actually his father was from an orphan house and it means that it was very hard to trace back where his grand and grand father from. That’s why family was important to him. How Monique told about giving birth to her first kid was amazing. The story was inspiring. The point is just if the woman can give birth; a life, that means that woman can solve their problems and face the life with optimism and always with new hopes. I think she just need to write down the way she told her experience to inspire the woman in the world. I like it so much. It was great. How Cristina Monroe acted as a superwoman (or wonder woman) was interesting confession about her past life. She has a high spirit of life. Yes, I can see it. How Nick solved the problem when he was in trouble after drinking was amusing and how Gene realized that he was American when he was in 5 or 6 grade. He shared his valuable experiences as flight attendance and how he met Lhobsang was great story, Myron for his international experiences, Anne for the feeling of being not “Chinese” in the China land. For me all these stuffs are great..
************************************Talent Show.
Another story of the wonderful night. “China Link” performed three Chinese songs in which I think all were very romantic songs. I like all the songs. And then me.. Well.. Here it is. Wow.., I felt like a million bucks man.. I played guitar (thanks for Karin and Erin for that great guitar) and the song was “Patient” of G&R. it was about being patient and about hearts and feeling. But you know, I think you all my friends encouraged me to play it. It was my first performance before 50 people from 22 countries man.. lol. But I felt like I was good. Yeah, it was just wonderful. I like the way they appreciated it. I used to play guitar but never had this kind of appreciation in my life for playing guitar. Cool.. Thanks to you all my friends... it means a lot for me..:)
Then, Karin sang a Swedish song. It was beautiful. I think her voice just like Roxette (the group band from Sweden). Her voice was great. I like it. She should be a singer. And she’s just great. Gene,J well, I like this man. He has a very good sense of humor. He made the night joyful. He played his clarinet or flute? That was great. Jinli danced the song. Basu with her Indian song, Zarina with her Kyrgyzstan song. It’s about love song and the mountain. Kyrgyzstan is surrounded by mountains. I like that song. It was unique. Never heard that before. Hye Sung, So Youn with the Korean song accompanied by Gene’s clarinet (flute?). I was invited to involve too. Thanks Hye Sung and So Youn. Hye Sung had a very good voice. The staffs had a very good humorous performance. Scott was great in mocking Americans in humorous way. The night was closed by Thailand dance led by Ginny, Mai and Pearl.
Jinli appeared with her dance performance. It seems that this girl is not only smart but hides a great talent for arts. And it seems that Moloka’i revealed her talent. Adriana was great. She’s a good MC. She has a hidden talent for that. She can be a MC or moderator of events. Hmm.., she has something that never known. She called herself as a little wolf that doesn’t want to be tight up, anyway. :) u'r inspiring man… oh ya, she is a good swimmer too. Karin was the organizer of the event, Erin was just shy to have a performance. The way she played the night before was great. She just didn’t want to show us. Jaylon was creative for today’s activity.. I like that activity for self reflection about what people think about us individually and write down on paper which sticks on our back. Su Youn and Hye Sung; two sincere Korean girls. Sheena led the group of us. She’s a kind of humble one. Sun Jie with courage., it’s little bit hard to explain this buddy. He’s funny anyway.
Prakash and Abhay; I like these buddies. Maita, Nash and Jamal, smart guys from the Philippines. Peter; we had jokes about italiano, cappuccino, mafioso and stupido :D you made me laugh pet. He’s full occupied with electronic equipments just like Pearl. Nilu, you are great buddy. Nilu, thanks for telling me that I’m a handsome one and about the inner beauty. Well, no many told me that, Blaine is a good man. Typical man easy giving hand to people needs. Zarina, hmm. She’s friendly and active. Kitty, thanks for all the pics you took, a typical good girl. Tamara, you got a great Macarena dance, man… Miwa, a good girl. Hopefully, your story keeps you away from losing another passport. Pearl Wu; I need to know you better, Yulia; humble girl, you still don’t like ice cream? C’mon, past is past. Lhobsang; someone special, Chomroeum, peaceful man.. Josh, calm one, mai; a beautiful flower from Laos, Denny; a potential one and a good cook, Hanh; a potential academician love reading very much, starla; strong spirit for life, your muscles are strong too, shafiq; the sportsman and a good friend, Miyuki; you have special sense of humor and I really enjoyed the jokes, Aleyamma; no doubt a smart one, we just did not have time to talk. Basu; smart one, Cher; your story was amazing. I like to hear more. Tashi; Bhutanese need you, Myron; you must be a good man, Anne; I understand the feeling of being Turks tan in China..
Thanks man…………
